
Energy Sector

The energy sector has a long history of using advanced technology. On the other hand, when we look at the value chain, apart from operational processes, it was making slower progress in terms of the creation of a digital working environment that includes technological applications in other units. Recently, especially with the Industry 4.0 trend, we see that the digital transformation in the sector triggers change management in many units of the organization.

In our country, as the investments made in the energy sector, especially in electricity, oil, gas, and mining are increasing, and the needs of companies for digital transformation also increase proportionally.

In line with industry trends in Turkey and worldwide in terms of meeting the technological requirements of the energy sector with the appropriate solutions and services to cater to the current needs of institutions, we witness the realization of many projects especially in the areas of the internet of things, advanced analytics and artificial intelligence.

Especially in oil and gas corporations, we see that digital transformation projects are determined with a road map and planned to compensate for the lost time in the past. On grounds the fact that even the lowest gains bring serious savings especially in this sector, we experience that efficiency, and consequently, reduction of the costs overcomes the barriers to digital transformation.

Products and Solutions

01Smart Meters

    KoçDigital provides sustainable and innovative solutions for the energy sector with Smart Meters, grid management services, big data and analytics, and energy management.


    With KoçDigital IOT platform ‘’Platform360’’, we ensure that energy data can be read remotely, transferred to a central system, and verified, missing data can be interpolated, stored, and presented to the stakeholders in the required format, and with the advanced-analytic algorithms, we also enable more efficient use of energy. We are able to digitally monitor the energy consumption data across the grids and on buildings, and put in efforts for ensuring less carbon emission. Especially with the increasing number of electric vehicles in the automotive industry, it is ensured that electric charging stations are monitored remotely with Platform360 and managed by recording transactions on a real-time basis.

03Production Management System

    With the Production Management System solution, we aim to reduce error rates at production with faster, data-based, and end-to-end monitored factory operations. Matching model and critical parts are improved by providing management through operational data storage, equipment tracking, and facility performance. Transparent and effective management is provided with the failure, interruption, and irregularity detection reports.

04Video Analytics

    KoçDigital’in Video Analitik ile Kalite Yönetimi çözümü ile ürün kalitesinde ortaya çıkabilecek hatalar tespit edilebiliyor. Bu sayede üründe toplam kaliteye katkı sağlanarak üretimdeki hatalardan dolayı çıkabilecek maliyetler en aza indiriliyor. Müşteri ile buluşan son üründeki hatalar minimize edilerek müşteri memnuniyetine katkı sağlanıyor.

05Demand Forecasting and Stock Optimization

    KoçDigital Talep Tahminleme ve Stok Optimizasyon çözümü ile tedarik zinciri süreçlerinde gelişmiş analitik modelleri kullanılarak, yüksek doğrulukta müşteri talep tahminlemesi yapılabiliyor. Bu sayede daha etkin bir planlama ve üretim takvimi oluşturulması, talebin daha doğru adreslenmesi, stok optimizasyonu sağlanması mümkün oluyor.

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