
Digitalization of Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 has a strategic importance not only for private organizations but also for the governments of all countries worldwide. After realization of the fact that, the way to create power to compete with the production costs, especially in the Asian region, in the local production network can be achieved through digitalization of production, digital industrialization steps have been taken in many countries.

KoçDigital manufacturing analytics solutions collect field data from systems such as SCADA, PLC, DCS and process them using artificial intelligence algorithms. It contributes to the improvement of the production process by revealing the relationships between parameters. Thus, it helps to identify the factors that will cause financial losses such as unexpected downtime or quality problems in advance. It provides guidance for taking necessary actions to eliminate these problems. As a result, while the production quality increases, the cost decreases. 

Check out our research conduct by IDC: Transformation into the "Factory of the Future".

In our country, where the automotive and durable consumption sectors lead in manufacturing leg; we have the competitive manufacturing facilities in sectors such as Chemistry, Plastic, Metal Industry, Wood and Paper. Interruptions in supply chain brought Turkey to the fore due to its features such as market presence, experience, predisposition to work for international markets. In order to take advantage of this opportunity and gain competitive advantage in manufacturing, digital transformation is critical from manufacturing lines to inventory management.

Manufacturing Analytics Applications;
- By modeling the relationship between manufacturing quality and energy consumption, it is possible to calculate the required process set values for optimum quality production with minimum energy consumption.
- By modeling the relationship between quality problems, ambient conditions and process parameters, it can be ensured that quality problems are predicted in advance and the causes are eliminated.
- By modeling the relationship between coating thickness and production line set values in a galvanizing line, coating variation and thus manufacturing cost can be reduced.

Products and Solutions

01Powerful Production with Platform 360

    Platform 360, the internet of things platform developed by KoçDigital, can function in an integrated manner in many areas, from extracting the digital twins of the product family and production lines on the platform, to continuously monitoring the status and performance of the assets in the field, from instant data collection from production lines to providing input for correct planning.

02Continuous Inventory Management

    Effective management of the supply chain is critical for the manufacturing sector companies as it affects all functions of the company. With its solutions and products for Inventory Management, KoçDigital enables the companies to get quick returns on their project investments and to establish a system that will provide cost advantage for many years.

03Demand Forecasting and Stock Optimization

    Demand Forecasting and Stock Optimization solution, high-accuracy customer demand forecasts can be made using advanced analytic models in supply chain processes, and a more effective production planning can be made. With the data analysis and status diagnosis, creation of demand forecasting model, integration of the model, application of the model for pilot products and dissemination throughout all products, the inventories carried over optimized.

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ستمنح موافقتك على جميع الطلبات والشكاوى والاقتراحات التي ترسلها إلى شركتنا وإتمامها، ويمكنك الوصول إلى الرسالة عبر نص توضيح عميل المحتوى لإرساله إليك إلكترونيًا تجاريًا لمعالجة بياناتك الشخصية. نطلب منك التأكد من أن المحتوى المحدد الذي سيتم تقديمه إلينا أو الذي سيتم إدراجه في وقت التقديم ليس مخصصًا: العرق، أو الأصل العرقي، أو الرأي السياسي، والمعتقد الفلسفي، واللباس، والجمعيات، والعضوية في المؤسسات أو النقابات العمالية، والصحة، وبيانات الفحص الجنسي، والإدانة الجنائية، والبيانات المتعلقة بالتدابير الأمنية، والبيانات البيومترية والوراثية.
