
The retail sector is one of the most vital sectors where digital transformation and new technology trends are most closely experienced, and where the innovations are frequently developed. The Retail Technologies, where Customer Experience is at the center and which application area has developed with technologies such as the store technologies, artificial intelligence and analytics, has entered into a new dimension in the sense of both operations and customer interaction.

In Turkish retail sector with a hefty market size of TRY 1 Trillion providing employment to 2 million people, we as KoçDigital provide advanced analytics, artificial intelligence and IOT-based solutions and products to all segments such as Food Retail, the Supermarket and Discount Markets, and Category Merchandising.

Products and Solutions for Retail Industry

01Quality Production and Powerful Operations

    With KoçDigital Production Management System solution, we aim to reduce error rates at production line with a faster, data-based, and end-to-end monitored factory operations, and with the failure, interruption, and irregularity detection reports we provide a transparent and effective management.

    With KoçDigital's Quality Management solution with Video Analytics, all product quality defects can be detected instantly. In this way, the total quality of the product is optimized and the costs that may be incurred due to production faults are minimized. By minimizing the defects in the finished products offered to the customer, we contribute to greater customer satisfaction.

02Continuous Inventory Management

    Inventory management is one of the most critical operational processes of companies that directly affect the sales, cost control and financial projection, and unite the entire supply chain. Improvements in inventory management processes enable the organization to enjoy serious gains in terms of costs. With its Inventory Management solutions, products, and the projects it has implemented in the Retail sector, KoçDigital enables companies to have their project investments returns within a short time and enables them to establish a system that will provide cost advantages for many years.

    Koçtaş Success Story

    A professional end-to-end evaluation of the improvements that companies plan to make in their supply chain processes in order to reach the most accurate result greatly increases the efficiency. According to this evaluation, the main pain points, focal processes, fast gains and roadmaps emerge. KoçDigital Consultants determine the current status of organization in Inventory Management and Supply Chain attributes through understanding the current supply chain network structure, determining the management and process structure and implementing data analysis.

03With Demand Forecasting and Stock Optimization solution, KoçDigital

    With Demand Forecasting and Stock Optimization solution, KoçDigital can make high-accuracy customer demand forecasts by using advanced analytical models in supply chain processes, and thus turn out a more effective planning, category management and logistical planning. By taking into account seasonality, trend and periodic deviations in accordance with the market dynamics, it enables demand forecasting for all sales channels, determination of the stock level to be maintained accordingly, and the stock optimization.

    Improvements to be made in Inventory Management are the most important factors that support “Product availability” characteristics, which have reached the most critical point in terms of customer experience today, and create a bond of trust between the brand and its customer.

04E-Commerce, Personalization and effective Customer Experience

    E-commerce volume in the Turkish retail sector has reached to the size of TRY 250 Billion. Studies conducted show that customers using the E-Commerce channel will continue to shop from here and try new marketplaces and brands during the post-Pandemic phase. KoçDigital offer solutions to provide Omni-Channel Customer Experience through E-Commerce and other channels, data mining & data analysis, as well as analytical models using big data, and to present the right offers to the right customer at the right time. With the Customer Loss Estimation and Cross Sales solution, upsell and crossell setups are created for the shopping frequency and personas in the micro segments.

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ستمنح موافقتك على جميع الطلبات والشكاوى والاقتراحات التي ترسلها إلى شركتنا وإتمامها، ويمكنك الوصول إلى الرسالة عبر نص توضيح عميل المحتوى لإرساله إليك إلكترونيًا تجاريًا لمعالجة بياناتك الشخصية. نطلب منك التأكد من أن المحتوى المحدد الذي سيتم تقديمه إلينا أو الذي سيتم إدراجه في وقت التقديم ليس مخصصًا: العرق، أو الأصل العرقي، أو الرأي السياسي، والمعتقد الفلسفي، واللباس، والجمعيات، والعضوية في المؤسسات أو النقابات العمالية، والصحة، وبيانات الفحص الجنسي، والإدانة الجنائية، والبيانات المتعلقة بالتدابير الأمنية، والبيانات البيومترية والوراثية.
