Public Sector

While taking its economical steps further in line with the 2023 vision, Turkey’s Information and Communication Technology investment in public institutions display a comparable growth as well. With the e-government projects carried out, information and communication investments in public institutions, which have been rapidly increasing since 2010, especially in the fields of education, health, transportation, and communication, have reached the level of TRY 3.7 billion by 2020.

The increase in digital transformation projects targeting public institutions, as well as investments in information and communication fields using 5G technology are expected to keep up in the coming days.

In line with the 2023 vision, the municipalities are also expected to intensify their digital transformation activities with Smart Cities projects that include many technologies and offer economic and environmental benefits to all involved. Industry 4.0, Cyber Security, Data Center Solutions, and Smart Cities constitute the technology agendas that come to the fore in the public institutions.

As KoçDigital, we provide services in line with the increasing new technology needs of public institutions and organizations and provide support with our innovative, domestic, and national solutions.

In keeping with global competition and countries' sustainable development goals, KoçDigital products and services enable faster integration of digital transformation into public institutions.

The increasing need for analytical and IOT solutions in the sector can be positioned in a flexible structure consistent with the needs of our customers.

We aim to provide a cost advantage in operations by minimizing expenses in public institutions and organizations with our Internet of Things and video analytical solutions. Institutions gain advantages according to their sustainable development goals by using Industry 4.0 applications such as Automation, Advanced Analytics, and Digital Twin along the lines of their global competition strategies.

We offer;
- Management of our solutions with a secure, scalable, and flexible infrastructure,
- Their integration to existing business processes and applications,
- Enrichment with new generation mobile and corporate applications,
- Transforming them into an increasing experience for customers, and
- Ensuring the collected data is transformed into an asset that creates a competitive advantage.

Products and Solutions

01Platform 360 Solution

    is an asset management platform specially designed to monitor and manage your critical locations from a single point. Thanks to this platform, you can manage remote locations and boost energy optimization to the highest levels.

02Video Analytical Occupational Health and Safety Solution

    aimed to bring the occupational safety of employees to the highest levels within the developing and growing institutions. Unsafe behavioral patterns and situations are the main factors of occupational accidents. KoçDigital Intelligent Video Analytics Software offers solutions for workplace safety and physical security problems.

03HR Analytics

    is an analytics solution based on human analytics studies and advanced analytical models applied to human capital within the organization, in order to increase the performance of employees and improve business results through HR Analytics and Advanced Data Analytics Solutions.

04With Platform360 Energy Monitoring

    organizations can reduce their avoidable consumption, report product-based energy costs more accurately, and increase the reliability of systems by tracking anomalies. Users can visualize the data they want to see on the dashboards they design. The data can be detailed according to the timeline, shift, and location of the installation or compared if necessary. With its advanced analytical capabilities, the system enables the estimation of future energy consumption.

05With the Smart City Solution

    Koç Digital can offer an end-to-end smart city platform with modules such as video analytics, event processing, big data, corporate service network, and API management, which also incorporates the Internet of Things platform Platform360.

06Digital Mining

    is provided with Digital Mining Solution. All operations at the mine are monitored in a digital environment, thus making data-based decisions for a more efficient and safe mine.

07With Video Analytical Social Distance and Mask Detection Solution

    our Vision + solution, which we created using video analytical technology, allows the use of social distance and masks within the scope of Covid-19, as well as other image processing scenarios, to be followed by employing artificial intelligence algorithms. With the Video Analytical Social Distance and Mask Detection Solution, it is aimed to stop the spreading of Covid-19 that has been devastating the entire world and other pandemics that may surface in the future within the institutions, and prevent the loss of workforce.

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ستمنح موافقتك على جميع الطلبات والشكاوى والاقتراحات التي ترسلها إلى شركتنا وإتمامها، ويمكنك الوصول إلى الرسالة عبر نص توضيح عميل المحتوى لإرساله إليك إلكترونيًا تجاريًا لمعالجة بياناتك الشخصية. نطلب منك التأكد من أن المحتوى المحدد الذي سيتم تقديمه إلينا أو الذي سيتم إدراجه في وقت التقديم ليس مخصصًا: العرق، أو الأصل العرقي، أو الرأي السياسي، والمعتقد الفلسفي، واللباس، والجمعيات، والعضوية في المؤسسات أو النقابات العمالية، والصحة، وبيانات الفحص الجنسي، والإدانة الجنائية، والبيانات المتعلقة بالتدابير الأمنية، والبيانات البيومترية والوراثية.
